Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Allergy - Help I Am Allergic To Posion Ivy

If you are allergic to poison ivy then you suffer from allergies Type 1 or contact allergies. Up to 90 percent of people are allergic to the urushiol oil that causes the poison ivy rash. Over half of the population will experience a rash with the first contact of the poison ivy plant and is considered the most common allergy in the country.

Symptoms of poison ivy allergy is a severe itching of the skin that later develop into an inflammation of the skin. Red oozing sores or blisters can develop in sever cases and the fluid will have a slight yellowish color.

Some of us can roll in poison ivy and come out without any problems, while others can merely brush up against a few leaves of the stuff and they are scratching for weeks. In most cases, allergies are more annoying that debilitating but to the extreme allergy suffers life can be pure misery or even death.

Just because you do not develop systems the first few times you come into contact with poison ivy does not mean that you are immune. It may take several exposures to poison ivy before symptoms develop. The more times you are exposed to the usushiol the more likely it is that you will break out in a rash. Symptoms usually occur within 2 to 3 days.

It only take 1 billionth of a gram to cause the rash. 1/4 of an ounce of urushiol is all that is needed to cause a rash in every person on earth.

The usushiol oil can still be found on dead poison ivy plants for up to five years. Direct contact is the most common way of catching poison ivy however, you can catch poison ivy by just being close to the plants if the urushiol oil becomes airborne due to the plants are being burned, like in a forest fire, or because of the actions of a lawnmower or weed trimmer.

Scratching or rubbing the rashes will not spread the poison ivy rash unless you still have the urushiol oil on your hands. This also means that poison ivy is not contagious and you will not be able to give it to another person. Scratching can lead to scaring and infection of the affected area so it is not recommended.

Over the years I have developed poison ivy rash numerous times and I have tried many different treatments and I have found only two treatments that work for me. The first is with my Doctor giving me a steroid shot of Prednisone. Symptoms usually start to improve within 24 hours.

The second treatment is one that I have never found documented anyplace else. Back in the early 60s an old country doctor told me of this treatment. Go to your pharmacy and get a solution of 5 percent carbolic acid in olive oil. Rub the solution on the rash. Within minutes you will see a yellowish fluid appearing on top of the red sores or blisters. Mop up the fluid and when no more fluid develops after several minutes reapply the carbolic acid in olive oil solution. This treatment will start to relieve the symptoms with an hour or two but will take 1 to 2 weeks to cure the poison ivy rash. The carbolic acid in olive oil solution seems to act as some type of drawing agent and I have successfully used it on bee stings and insect bites.

Leave of three then let them be.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created over 50 articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. For other articles on Allergies click on Articles on Allergies and for Other Articles

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Allergy - Anaphylactic Shock - My Allergic Reaction To A Yellow Jacket Bee Sting

Most yellow jacket bee stings are a bit painful, but they can be treated at home without any lasting problem. Home treatment usually consists of an ice pack or baking soda to the site of the sting. However, some people have a very severe allergy reaction to these kinds of stings which require immediate emergency treatment. In fact, insect stings can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock.

What Is Anaphylactic Shock

Anaphylactic shock, also known as anaphylactic reaction, is an immediate, severe allergic reaction that occurs within minutes of exposure to a substance that produces the allergy, such as a bee sting, and involves the entire body. The body's immune system responds to allergens in the system by sending protection in the form of histamines. Normally the cells of the body send just the right amount of histamine necessary to combat the allergen. However, in some cases, as in anaphylactic shock reactions, the released histamine causes the effects commonly associated with severe allergic responses, such as dilated blood capillaries, red skin, swelling, itching and rapidly appearing hives, known as urticaria.

More than 10,000 people in North America are afflicted each year by anaphylaxis. Of these, more than 750 episodes end in death. Because symptoms of anaphylaxis resemble those seen in other diseases, the true numbers are not known.

Symptoms of Anaphylactic Shock

The symptoms are many, and they are progressive. They can include skin redness, cough, nasal congestion, itching, hives, swelling, anxiety, sensation of feeling the heart beat (palpitations), rapid or weak pulse, fainting, light-headedness, dizziness, confusion, extreme anxiety, blueness of the skin, and difficulty breathing. If not treated, death results.

Emergency Treatment of Severe Allergic Reactions

Prompt emergency treatment should be immediate to reduce the likelihood of death. Treatment includes the injection of adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, to constrict the blood vessels and counteract the effects of the histamine. Further measures might includes the administration of oxygen or even the performance of a tracheotomy may be needed

A Personal Experience - My Near Fatal Encounter With A Yellow Jacket

Living in exurbia, I have had many red ant bites and have been stung once or twice by a regular wasp. These bites have always caused a mild to moderate reaction, such as swelling and blistering. But nothing prepared me for the experience of being stung by a yellow jacket.

On a beautiful morning, I was walking through the woods in the back of my house when I disturbed a yellow jacket nest which was under a small branch. Although I slowly backed away, I was suddenly stung on my right elbow. The site of the sting immediately caused a blister about the size of a quarter. I quickly made it back to the house, and put an ice pack on the site.

I began to feel very warm all over, my ears and earlobes became swollen and rubbery, my heart began to race, and I felt very, very anxious. When I looked into the mirror, my face was as red as a beet. Luckily my husband was home and rushed me to the emergency room.

When I looked at my right hand, I could not even recognize it as a hand. It was so swollen and full of hives. It was just one big, terrible looking lump.

By the time we got to the hospital, my nose and lips were numb, my heart was beating even faster, anxiety was overcoming me and my blood pressure was falling. I felt vague and confused, unable to even tell the nurse my birth date. All of this had happened within 20 to 30 minutes of being stung.

I was rushed into a treatment room and given epinephrine and benadryl, which are anti-histamines, as well as a form of prednisone (a steroid) intravenously. I was monitored closely and kept there for about two and a half to three hours. I was discharged with prescriptions for benadryl and prednisone to take daily for a week. I was also given a prescription for Epipen.

Epipen is a pressure activated syringe device that delivers the correct dose of epinephrine to combat anaphylaxis in the event I ever have an episode such as this again. This should be kept within reach at all times, and replaced yearly.

When I got home, I slept for several hours, but otherwise everything was alright. Needless to say, I felt very grateful.

Some Precautions To Avoid Attracting Flying Insects If You Have Allergy

1. Avoid fragrances, scented, soaps, lotions and oils

2. Avoid wearing bright colors

3. Wear shoes

4. Wear long pants, long sleeve shirts, and a hat

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